Top 10 Community Bank IT Projects

Fintechs in Brazil: More Than Just Credit Cards, It Is the Super-App

Fintechs in Brazil: More Than Just Credit Cards, It Is the Super-App

“Small banks don’t have the budgets of large-bank competitors, but with nimbleness and creativity they are sometimes first out of the gate with innovative technology, from real-time payments to biometric authentication. We scoured the land for examples of tech-savvy community banks and chose the following 10 standouts.”

The top 10 projects cited in the referenced article align well with the research cited in recent Mercator Advisory Group reports and research notes. Each of these topics offer significant benefits for banking customers and financial institutions alike. New features include the expansion of mobile banking apps; a convergence of mobility with other channels (and most notable ATMs); an increased use of biometrics to increase security; expanded interoperability between legacy and newer banking systems; and a greater emphasis on fraud protection. Each of these capabilities help improve the overall customer experience, and foster increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Overview by Ed O’Brien, Director, Banking channels Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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