AEVI’s Revolutionary AppFlow Paves the Way to Transform In-Store Experience with SmartPOS



SMB merchants are eager to take advantage of applications that transform the consumer checkout experience, but those either don’t work well together, or require costly and intensive integration efforts. AEVI’s AppFlow, announced today, will remove this pain by standardizing and automating the integration and interoperability of apps in an open environment.

AEVI’s AppFlow software development kit (SDK) delivers on the promise of SmartPOS systems to deliver choice, flexibility and strategic value to the merchant environment. Developers, VARs and acquirers will be able to provide a better experience for merchants and consumers by delivering value-added apps and services that work seamlessly with the other apps available on AEVI’s marketplace and on all AEVI-enabled third-party devices from multiple vendors.  This relieves merchant solution providers of the fear that any change to the core POS solution could “break” other SmartPOS apps, and ensures developers don’t have to continually rework their integrations.

Flexible merchant solution suites

With AppFlow and AEVI’s open ecosystem, merchant solution providers gain unprecedented flexibility to be very granular with the solution suites they offer to merchants, rather than relying on “one-size-fits-all” solutions. They can configure the flow of app integrations to meet the needs of merchants for a seamless series of actions at the merchant countertop. Although multiple apps may be engaged during a transaction, to the consumer it appears as one seamless checkout process.

“The point of sale is rapidly transforming into a point of interaction in which payment and value-added apps and services will enrich the consumer shopping experience, where payment becomes an integrated feature of the consumer’s transaction journey in the new world of smart apps and devices. AppFlow is an important part of this transformation.” says Nicky Koopman, Vice President Content & Value Added Services.

“AppFlow opens the merchant solution market to app developers who traditionally shy away from it because of integration complexity” says Koopman. “This will spur innovation and ensure merchant solution providers can create frictionless experience at the Point of Interaction and tailor it to the service expected from a wide range of verticals, including retail, hospitality, coffee shops and nail salons.”

AEVI‘s AppFlow is available for app developers now on

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