Bell ID Updates EMV Token Management Platform

EMV token management is a non-trivial task. Issuers of EMV cards (whether contact or contactless) and NFC-based EMV systems must manage the EMV chip throughout its lifecycle. Bell ID has just updated its token management system to include both a simple web browser interface and, more importantly, to be prepared for the growth over the next few years of mobile phone-based EMV credentials.

The newly announced solution is a comprehensively redesigned successor to Bell ID’s acclaimed ANDiS4EMV smart card management system and draws on the company’s experience with banks and other chip & PIN card issuers worldwide. Positioned at the core of an EMV implementation, Bell ID EMV Token Manager is responsible for performing data preparation for any EMV or chip payment application and for managing the entire lifecycles of an EMV token, its associated applications and related cryptographic keys. It enables issuers of payment applications to simply and quickly migrate to EMV and to enhance the functionality of their existing EMV deployments.

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