Biometrics Can Have Big UX Impact in Payments: Visa Exec

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The ways biometric data may be gathered and utilized to authenticate the identity of the individual engaging in a transaction are becoming increasing fluid. By creating a biometric profile that utilizes several markers, verification services are better able to customize fit the automated decision procedure as the situation demands.

Authentication based on voice recognition might not improve the user experience in a noisy restaurant, for example, while a selfie-based solution might make users feel self-conscious in certain settings. That’s why “a holistic approach” is in order– “Biometrics work best when linked to other factors, such as the device,” Vaux asserts.

Mercator Advisory Group anticipates consumers will increasingly opt for more individualized engagement. Establishing identity will be increasingly passive for consumers, as their profile will be conveyed to purveyor of the service or product they are engaged in order to be provided with recommendations based on preferences and shared personality traits.

The conduit for much of the sharing of biometric marker and consumer profile will be the personal mobile device, increasingly ubiquitous the world over. It remains to be seen how much personal control will be retained on what, when and where to share these personal markers and profile characteristics. Balancing individual service with individual privacy will be just one of the debates taking place. Separating the curation and security of these personalized markers from other businesses and services, an identity “bank” or banks if you will, could be one possible approach.

Overview by Joseph Walent, Senior Analyst, Emerging Technology Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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