Diebold Nixdorf And The Future Of ATMs

Money withdrawal on the ATM

Money withdrawal on the ATM

 Branches and other physical points of presence remain a key decision factor for most consumers. At the same time, mobile banking has become more widespread across generations resulting in less frequent visits to branches. Financial Institutions are expanding their own use of kiosk-style design to better leverage technology and thereby realize efficiency from their physical footprint. The providers of specialized interfaces, such as the featured company, are showcasing the tools that enable the evolution of location based interactions with FIs.

Representatives from Diebold Nixdorf, a provider of ATM and retail technology to banks, credit unions and retail stores, are traveling across the country in an 18-wheeler as part of their U.S. Connections Tour to show what the future of the retail store and bank branch could look like.

The truck stopped by the Boston Marriott last week, where Banker & Tradesman got an inside look at new ATM features including cardless payments, near field communication, beacon technology, biometric authentication, predictive analytics, artificial-intelligence-customized shopping experiences and more.

Mercator Advisory Group anticipates the typical ATM technology adoption curve will hold in the near term. However, and the rapidly shifting expectations of consumers to experience digitally enhanced interactions will increasingly lend momentum to FIs employing the information-age tools to empower and engage their consumers.

Overview by Joseph Walent, Associate Director, Customer Interactions Advisory Group

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