EMV Migration Forum Releases Guidance On EMV Debit Technical Framework, Liability Shift

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Business Solutions reported that the EMV Migration Forum has released details regarding the impending EMV liability shift. This is welcomed news as understanding the liability shift to occur in a few months and its impact on the industry could use some clarification. The news item outlined the counterfeit card liability and the networks where it applies:

“Counterfeit fraud liability on the Accel, American Express, China UnionPay, Discover, MasterCard, NYCE Payments Network, SHAZAM Network, STAR Network, and Visa;”

There is further information regarding lost or stolen card liability shifts that apply to the following:

“Lost or Stolen Fraud Liability shift on American Express, Discover, and MasterCard;”

With this statement, it appears that liability after October will be applied differently for different types of losses and is also dependent on the associated network. The official statement from the EMV Migration Forum also states:

“The document covers common scenarios and only those payment networks that provided information to the EMV Migration Forum in the preparation of this document. There are other scenarios that could affect liability that are not covered in this document, and other networks that may have liability shifts but did not provide information.”

Let’s hope there are further communications in the works that provide more inclusive guidance.

Overview by Sarah Grotta, Director, Debit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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