Google’s brilliant plan to get millions to adopt its e-money system: Gmail

Join Ben Jackson, Sr. Analyst of Mercator Advisory Group’s Prepaid Advisory Service, as he provides useful insights from the 2012 Open- and Closed-Loop Prepaid Benchmarks, Mercator Advisory Group’s consumer data and analysis of the growth and direction of major prepaid card segments. The free webinar will be done in partnership with Prepaid Expo.

Highlights of this free webinar include:

-Review of dollars loaded onto key prepaid closed-loop cards taken from segmentation research on 17 segments

-Review of dollars loaded onto key prepaid open-loop cards taken from segmentation research on 18 segments

-The three factors that closely affect the prepaid open-loop market

-New data that sheds additional light on retailer-issued cards, government benefits cards, and prepaid utilities

-Q&A Session

Click here to register for the webinar.

Mercator Advisory Group Statement on Closed-Loop Market
“Growth in the closed-loop prepaid market has been driven by the in-store gift card segment, which continues to grow and develop as retailers move from thinking about prepaid cards as a plastic version of paper gift certificates to a multifunctional promotions and sales tool,” says Ben Jackson, senior analyst in Mercator’s Prepaid Advisory Service and author of the report.

Mercator Advisory Group Statement on Open-Loop Market
“While some segments had growth of over 1000% between 2010 and 2011, others saw continued double digit growth rates and one actually contracted by more than 1%. The growth has been driven by the cash access and government categories; however, the future growth of the market could be hurt by potential regulatory actions,” says Tim Sloane, director of Mercator’s Prepaid Advisory Service and author of the report.

* Please note: Registration is closed at 12:00 p.m. on the day of this event.

Members of the press/media interested in participating in the teleconference can contact Catherine McDonald, Communications Director at: for media credentials for this online event.

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