Kansas Captures Micropayments with Card Accepting Parking Meters

Sales Assistant With Credit Card Reader On Digital Tablet

Sales Assistant With Credit Card Reader On Digital Tablet

Topeka, KS is testing 30 parking meters that accept credit and debit cards. The rates will remain one dollar per hour, but require a 30 minute (or 50 cent) minimum charge. There is no direct cost for testing the meters, but the city will pay $510 per unit if they wish to purchase the meters. The city would install them in high-volume areas only if this test is deemed successful.

“It’s really a lot about convenience for people,” said Mike McGee director of building and general services for the city.

“McGee said other communities that have been using the new meters have seen an increase of 30 percent to 40 percent in revenue. We will look at the revenue. My presumption is we will want to proceed.”

The card accepting meters can also reduce the costs, particularly labor costs, associated with collecting and handling the coins deposited into each machine.

Read the full article at: http://cjonline.com/news/2011-08-03/new-credit-card-parking-meters-installed#.TjrUxYJIBD8

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