Need Personalization for you Holiday Gift – Card Pairing Adds More Meaning

Wide range of gift card ideas for all types of people

gift card gifts aimed at mums, dads, children, teenagers etc!

From a recent survey performed by InComm titled “InComm’s 2018 Holiday Shopping Index” they asked over 2,000 consumers if … “they are getting what they truly want as a gift?” Key findings from the survey point out three specific items:

The most enlightening finding is pairing a gift card with another gift, which totally makes sense, it’s a little bit of both and everyone knows how we all like choice. An additional trend is multi-merchant gift cards based on a theme, allowing the recipient to spend their card amongst several retailers, using one or all for redemption.

With the holiday season quickly approaching consumers can feel positive about giving gift cards and know that the recipient truly will enjoy them.

Overview by Sue Brown, Director, Prepaid Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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