Payroll Cards Continue to Be Adopted By a Variety of Industries

All These Chip Cards and Not Enough Chip Readers! - PaymentsJournal

Despite the negative publicity that payroll cards have received lately, employers still recognize the value that the cards can offer unbanked and underbanked workers. Pipestone System, a company that helps family farms to raise hogs recently adopted the BlazePays Visa prepaid card, Capital prepaid Services announced.

“With BlazePays, our employees can better safeguard their hard-earned money,” said Colette DeSchepper, Accountant of Pipestone System. “Using a reloadable prepaid card for payroll makes it easier for us to pay our employees, but also gives them an electronic payment tool that can be used to pay bills, purchase groceries and other goods, or shop online.”

Payroll cards have been subject to regulatory and legal pressure because of mistakes made by fast food managers and misunderstandings by state and federal regulators. A real risk exists that people who use payroll cards may be forced back to paying high costs for cashing checks and buying money orders to pay bills.

Overview by Ben Jackson, Director, Prepaid Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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