Biometrics Soup up Safekey 3D Secure at American Express

B2B Payments' Can Fintech Finally Connect Business Payments to the Digital Wave? - PaymentsJournal

3D secure is an extra layer of security that is added to online transactions. This system requires the cardholder to enter a one-time password (OTP) before the transaction can be completed. The OTP is typically sent to the cardholder’s mobile phone, and it must be entered within a certain time frame in order to complete the transaction. 3D secure helps to prevent fraud by making it more difficult for thieves to use stolen credit card information.

3D Secure is a hot industry topic as MasterCard and Visa re-engineer to 3Ds 2.0 in the coming months.   American Express is on par, as this announcement on biometrics in American Express’ Safekey 3DS explains.

3DS is a bit awkward in today’s environment but the next version will be streamlined.  All brands work

Tokenization and biometrics certainly add a layer of protection to payment cards; expect to see more developments in this sector.

Remember, though fraud is about adding in protection layers.  EMV chips thwart counterfeit fraud.  Predictive analytics shield issuers from improper use.  3D Secure adds protection at the point of sale, to reaffirm the authentication cycle and also to shield the transaction as it passes back and forth through the network.

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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