Citi Credit Cards: A Foundation for their Virtual Bank



Citi, a New York bank that pioneered virtual banking with their circa 1985 national expansion program was ahead of its time, but it appears consumers are now ready, willing and able.  Virtual banking fills a void for Citi, a company that has certainly seen retail banking ups and downs over the past few decades.

Payment cards will likely play a role in transacting, depositing and withdrawing.  The big question is “will consumers be willing to forgo the physical branch, even if they only drive by their local Chase or Bank of America building”.

As Citi found in its early national expansion effort, it is easier for a remote bank to give out credit cards than it is to launch a virtual bank.  However, consumers have since conceded that the idea can work.  USAA is a perfect example, and so are others.

So, nice to see Citi enter the market, though this will not be a cakewalk when you consider facing off against Chase Onlne and others.

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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