IoT Payments Generate Surprising Revenue for Companies That Use Them:

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Data for today’s episode is provided by Mercator Advisory Group’s report –IoT Payments: Taxonomy Driven Market Size and Company Rankings

IoT Payments Generate Surprising Revenue for Companies That Use Them: 

About Report

IoT payments continue to drive increased revenue. Mercator research indicates IoT payments are growing up to 15% YoY and are part of strategic plans for Fortune 500 companies, some of whom indicate in annual reports that they expect IoT to disrupt existing markets.

Mercator Advisory Group’s latest research report, IoT Payments: Taxonomy Driven Market Size and Company Rankings, delivers taxonomy driven market research that provides IoT payment market size by year, company, origination product, NAICS code, and as a percent of company revenue. The taxonomy utilized will enable Mercator to conduct industry specific competitive research projects and will dovetail that research with all other research performed using the NAICS database.

“Fortune 500 company innovation and growth strategy plans involve IoT payments. Companies see initiatives involving IoT payments as a way to differentiate and grow new business. Of the companies and IoT payments examined, IoT payments grew at an estimated 7% (2018-2019),” comments David Nelyubin, Research Analyst at Mercator Advisory Group and one of the authors of the report.

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