Paper Is the Enemy of On-Time Payment

Paper Is the Enemy of On-Time Payment

Paper Is the Enemy of On-Time Payment

It’s widely accepted that removing paper-based processes from accounts payable is a best practice. So why is it that paper still continues to dominate in many organizations? According to Billentis Market Report for eInvoicing, 70% of all invoice processing globally is still paper-based.

Consider the consequences of a single typo as a paper invoice is processed. Working from an incorrectly entered due date, the company fails to pay the vendor early, losing out on a vendor discount. If it misses the correct due date, its supplier takes things a step further and delays delivery of essential goods. A core product is delivered late to market, thus missing its revenue targets.

A small error, yet a significant one.

But if paper is the enemy of on-time payments, AP automation is its most trustworthy friend. Intelligent automation (IA) solutions that include capabilities like cognitive document automation can extract, validate and classify paper and other invoice sources, resulting in up to 85% straight through processing. By taking the paper out of AP, intelligent automation increases data visibility and reduces risk, but it offers numerous other benefits as well.

To keep pace with changing business demands and stay competitive, companies need to work like tomorrow and embrace more automation. Replacing outdated systems with intelligent automation allows businesses to streamline workflows and achieve better outcomes, including lower cost-per-invoice, reduced cycle times and early-payer discounts.

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