Social Credit Systems: Interesting but I Do Not Want to Know You That Well

Just about everyone our age read George Orwell’s dystopic view of the world in 1984 if they graduated before that year, but is it coming true in China? Moreover, what about the US?

You can find the gory details here, but you probably won’t like it.  Imagine trolling your Facebook pages for the kind of people you knew.  The washed out high school quarterback, now selling used cars on Main Street.  Or the thrice-divorced prom queen is now working at the Waffle House as a waitress.  Too much data.  Too invasive to permit.  And, who gets to use the data?  Local Chinese police?

The vision is much broader than just taking payments.

My credit record is a definite performance indicator. There are business reasons worth knowing that I am in year 29 of a 30-year mortgage, have A+ credit at top-tier issuers, and use less than 5% of my available credit.

As for building a social record on my friends, hang on.  You will probably meet some pretty unique characters.  Think about yours!

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

Read the quoted story here

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