Credit Card Delinquency: Indicators Eroding, Make Certain Your Infrastructure is Ready

Credit Card Delinquency: Indicators Eroding, Make Certain Your Infrastructure is Ready

Credit Card Delinquency: Indicators Eroding, Make Certain Your Infrastructure is Ready

Mercator Advisory Group has been cautioning about credit quality risk for more than a year, and numbers now point in the direction of higher risk through the end of 2019 and into 2020. Bloomberg reported on erosion today, and it is high time for credit c card issuers to take note. Numbers for smaller banks are leading in the delinquency rise, but when large issuers start to see it, the trend becomes hard to reverse. Consider this:

Capital One’s Founder, Richard Fairbank, knows a thing or two about credit cards. Mr. Fairbank, who launched the company in 1988 has been at the helm since the beginning, which after 30 years is a record, at least among current credit card executives. Bloomberg noted his comments:

As a matter of note, both Capital One and Discover saw erosion.

On the Discover side, Bloomberg went to the new CEO, who replaced another industry legend, David Nelms.

We covered some of the warning signs and countermeasures in this classic Mercator Advisory Group document.  It is a good time to take a look. Credit cycles must manage the entire collection continuum, from booking to chargeoff, preferably on one platform, such as FICO’s Debt Manager. Work standards need to be audited for effectiveness- and execution. If collection managers can’t handle the flow, queuing needs to be reviewed and it may be time for bringing in external resources.

If numbers continue to erode, it will take issuers two years to correct the flows.  Better to do it now than later.

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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