In today’s ever changing financial services landscape where asset managers are finding it harder to get the attention of financial advisors, GlobalData, a recognized leader in providing business information and analytics, says that its lead generation tool can help asset managers grow their Defined Contribution-Investment Only (DCIO) business.
The company believes that its cutting edge ‘Retirement PlanVision (RPV)’ lead generation tool can deliver a winning advantage to DCIO teams by integrating and analysing sponsor, fee, plan, fund, and performance data from more than 1.5 million corporate retirement plans in the United States. The quality of the information generated from this process makes RPV the leading 401k prospecting and analytics solution.
As Bryce Buckley, Managing Director of US Financial Services for Global Data PLC comments, ‘’Asset managers looking to stand out from the crowd, can partner with RPV to develop a value add program backed by an actionable lead generation system which when combined with investment and product knowledge will open the doors to countless advisors.’’
According to a recent wealth management survey, 57% of advisors ranked ‘Delivery of a value-add program’ in their top two requests from wholesalers. This was the top rated request, outranking ‘Investment and product knowledge’, ‘Knowledge of competing products’, ‘Knowledge of my practice’, ‘Meeting quality’, and ‘Meeting frequency’.
The question then becomes ‘‘How can asset managers develop a value-add program that will consistently differentiate them from other asset managers and get them in front of advisors?’’ Many asset managers have answered this question by turning to big data and data analytics to put their wholesalers in the best positions to win new business.
Buckley continued, ‘‘As any good sales person knows, being in the right place at the right time is a necessity, but what will the wholesaler say and do next to get the advisor’s attention?”
For years, Defined Contribution-Investment Only (DCIO) teams have addressed this question by providing “leads” to each advisor as they call in. In actuality, the leads are a list of underperforming retirement plans that may or may not be looking for a new advisor. Predictably, the success stories from these “leads” are few and far between.
Buckley adds, ‘‘Advisors know this, yet keep requesting leads from the same sources, and as we all know if you keep doing the same things you can expect to get the same results.’’
GlobalData’s Retirement Plan Vision (RPV) takes a markedly different approach to lead generation. The company designed a lead generation tool which first identifies every design flaw and performance issue with each retirement plan, then sorts the results based on the plans that the advisor is MOST likely to win.
Buckley confirms, “I have talked to countless advisors who express frustration and resignation in regards to the current environment. The ‘leads’ they chase are no more than a plan profile and some basic contact information. GlobalData’s RPV was created with hands-on input from many advisors and former advisors. We know the leads that advisors are most likely to win, and created a tool to highlight these opportunities above all else.”
Information based on GlobalData’s: Retirement Plan Vision (RPV) lead generation tool