This article suggests that Centilytics has implemented some pricing firsts for cloud based management:
“On a percentage pricing model, the CMP’s revenue becomes directly proportional to cloud spending. It means they’ll earn more when the cloud bill increases.
This conflict has been generalized and never been visible because users have gotten used to it.
Cloud already has a complex pricing model, and in no way, percent pricing going to ease that complexity.
When Centilytics (an Intelligent Cloud Management), noticed this conflict, it went ahead. It introduced a flat fee model for its customers.
Centilytics is the only CMP that eradicates the conflict of interest by charging one fixed amount, which is independent of increased bills.”
Of course, this pricing only applies to the management components that operate in the cloud. One assumes these management functions need to collect OS, application and network data to analyze and it’s unclear how the extra activity created by these monitoring components will be offset using this pricing model.
Overview by Tim Sloane, VP, Payments Innovation at Mercator Advisory Group