Free is Rarely Free in the Credit Card Industry

Credit card payment, shopping online

Maybe a good deal for you; definitely a good deal for credit card companies.  UK regulators are concerned about zero interest introductory cards.  Thanks to the wonders of accrual accounting, those zero percent offers to consumers set off accrual revenue for card issuers who model that the account will remain open after the zero percent rate expires.

The credit card model, both for branded and closed networks is undergoing stress.  Will reductions in rewards begin to offset non-interest revenue challenges.

The UK market is struggling with £70 billion in consumer credit card debt, and though delinquencies are starting to pop, accrual accounting keeps revenue steady.

Here’s the catch, similar to what we mentioned about the sustainability of credit card rewards. All this accounting sounds great if consumer performance matches the business model, the estimates will work correctly.  If cardholder attrition is high, the term will not meet the model and revenue will fall short.

Free is rarely free!

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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