Government Shutdown; Credit Card Growth Opportunity?

house of cards

house of cards

A government shutdown will directly impact close to 1 million workers and another 3 million dependents, according to the Washington Post.  Affected payrolls are $1.4 billion a week.  While many critical positions will not be shuttered, the report is that 45% are administrative staff, and tens of thousands of blue-collar workers will not see paychecks.  Typical income is $85,600, but almost 111,000 make less than $50,000.

The challenge: How to stay afloat as the paychecks stop, which is the subject of today’s read from CNBC.

So, what to do?

Fortunately, the winter holidays are behind us but there is still food to buy and doctor bills to pay.

There is plenty of buzz about the impact of an extended shutdown.  Food stamps will be an option for some workers, but the Philadelphia Inquirer suggests that if the shutdown proceeds, that will not even be an available for many impacted workers. MarketWatch suggests that the IRS is operating under a contingency plan, which might slow down refunds.

In a NY Times article titled “It’s Payday for Many Federal Workers. One Problem: There’s No Paycheck, comments center on the household impact.

Al Jazeera, the Arabic media channel, is having a hayday with its reporting of this mess, indicating a $6 billion-per-week impact to the US economy

For now, expect to see spend volume increases on Mastercard, Visa, and Discover cards; because of the demographics, Amex will be less affected.  And, while volumes will surge, depending on how long the powerplay goes, Credit Manages should expect a delinquency spike in early 2Q19.

… A wall or a house of cards?

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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