CIPURSE open standard’s capabilitiesincreasingly realised for secure ticketing plus a host of value added services
11 May 2017 – OSPT Alliance, the internationalassociation that provides an open standard for secure transit fare collectionsolutions, has boosted its membership by welcoming seven new members in thepast six months.
Reflecting increasing levels of interest in itsCIPURSE open standard, the latest organisations to join OSPT Alliance bringsits membership to almost 70, which is formed of Full, Affiliate andAssociate Members. OSPT Alliance members are representative of a widespectrum of solution providers from across the security, ID, payment andtransport sectors.
The following companies have joined the association:
Full Members:
Akrocard, Spain
Gemalto, France
Identimax, Argentina
Associate Members:
City Group, Kuwait
Etertin Corp, Argentina
HeadwayPartners (consulting firm), Netherlands
Visalux(consulting firm), Brazil
“We are delighted to welcomeour latest new members and look forward to working with them as we unlock thehuge potential for CIPURSE, both in the transportation market and beyond,”comments Laurent Cremer, Executive Director of OSPT Alliance. “OSPT Alliance isset up to encourage members to share implementation barriers so thatcollectively we can find a cost-effective and market-ready solution. Thisfacilitates innovation while promoting thebenefits of adopting standards.”
In a further indication of the growing interest inCIPURSE, OSPT Alliance also reports that more than 1,000 downloads have nowbeen requested for its specification, which is used by evaluators to assessCIPURSE’s suitability for their products and solutions.
“2017 is set to be animportant year for OSPT Alliance,” continues Laurent. “In addition to thelaunch of our new affiliate membership category, work is also well underway toadvance the use of CIPURSE tokens in host card emulation (HCE) solutions.Further to this, we are also reviewing the specification to add newfunctionality to meet the needs of different use cases across the contactlessecosystem such as micro-payment, loyalty and event ticketing markets.”
Full membership benefits include the ability to influence technicalstandardization and strategic activity within OSPT Alliance, early stage marketintelligence, market influence and profile, and enhanced networking andcollaboration opportunities.
Visit the OSPT Alliance website at further details of the membership levels available, benefits of membershipand how to join.