It looks like NFC payments support is about to be enabled on the Sprint network and the Nexus G handsets from Google. This is in anticipation, no doubt, of Google’s upcoming NFC trials in New York City and San Francisco. As this post addresses support for only one device, we are at the beginning of the beginning for NFC in the U.S. The next year will see many more handsets and many more posts like this.
The update notification was spotted by Sprint tracking site SprintFeed and indicates that the GRJ90 update “enables the NFC secure element” as well as providing a number of other upgrades including improved WiFi connectivity. According to the notification, the software update will be automatically pushed to Sprint customers with Nexus S 4G phones over a four day period from 11 July.
This post also links to its review of Google’s NFC announcement in May, worthwhile as a refresher.