A Perp, a Shirk, and a Jerk: Three Offbeat Credit Card Fraud Stories on a Slow News Day

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Interesting fraud stories on a banking holiday today: Uber Eats, Harry Potter, and the Church Thief.

The first is reminiscent of a ditty we covered in June, where the fraudster tendered a stolen card to a waitress that he did not realize he robbed.  In this case, the criminal used a stolen card to order Uber Eats.

Score a point for Chicago’s finest!

J.K. Rowling, a once penniless author now worth about $ 1 billion, shows no mercy for her personal Lord Voldermort,

Proving once again that there is more to learn outside of Hogwarts than inside.

From the bad Karma department, here is a situation where a fraudster got what he deserved in the Mount Rushmore state.

Now, is nothing sacred?

I spent a good deal of the 1980’s in the thriving metropolis of Sioux Falls, SD ; the state with less than a million in total population thrives on their credit card staff.  It is fun to see that my favorite haunt located in Tea, SD (population 5448) is still open.

Two years, for $500 bucks?  That is my kind of justice.

Watch for an upcoming Mercator Research report on credit card disputes; you will see how each of these events could have followed the path required for flawed transactions!  It will publish around Thanksgiving.

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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