New York, NY – April 18, 2017 – Dash’s Directorof Finance, Ryan Taylor, has been appointed as CEO of the Dash Core Project.The appointment comes as Dash Founder Evan Duffield today announced he istransitioning to an advisory role, officially departing from day-to-day dutiesat one of the world’s most valuable and prominent cryptocurrency projects. Theappointment was unanimously agreed upon by Duffield and the Dash Core, the democratically-electedbody responsible for the development, marketing and expansion of the Dashecosystem.
Dash Core CEO Ryan Taylor has been a key contributor to Dash since mid-2014. Heleft a traditional Wall Street career in March 2016 to join the Dash Corefull-time helping accelerate Dash’s progress in becoming a blockchain industryleader and global payments network. Before joining Dash, Taylor was a hedgefund analyst covering a global stable of payments industry investments for theprivate equity and public market funds of a $20 billion investment firm basedin New York, and previously served as an Associate Partner in McKinsey &Company’s Business Technology Office in New York.
While no changes are being made to the Dash blockchain governance, voting andtreasury model, today’s appointment provides the Dash Core organization with anexperienced leader in the financial services industry. Taylor’sresponsibilities will include leading organizational growth, maintaining theproject vision, and overseeing communications with Dash partners and investors.
Evan Duffield said, “Since the beginning, my ambition was to create asustainable and resilient blockchain project without any singular points offailure. Today’s announcement has been in development for many months, and I amproud to have helped Dash become the extraordinary project it is today.”
Duffield added, “For the last several months, daily operations and technologydevelopment at Dash Core have been led by now-CEO Ryan Taylor and CTO AndyFreer. Our most recent software upgrade – deployed in February – was developedand released without my hands-on involvement. Thanks to the Dash Core, ourdevelopers, advisors, masternode operators and every single user around theworld, the upgrade was the smoothest yet.”
Duffield plans to focus on other projects aimed at expanding Dash’s ecosystem,but will remain available to offer advice and consultation to the Dash Core andits developers.
Newly appointed CEO of the Dash Core Ryan Taylor said, “Evan is one of the mostgifted minds in blockchain and fintech. He created something that will have apermanent and lasting impact on many people across the world in a rapidlyevolving economy. The Dash Core team is committed to ensuring that we followthe grand vision Evan laid for Dash. Today, we have extensive resources inplace to deliver that vision. Dash is fast becoming a popular payment optionfor many thousands of people around the world, and we look forward toannouncing further progress in the near future as we create compelling andrelevant solutions aimed at everyday people.”
In the first quarter of 2017, the Dash Project announced several milestonepartnerships and the implementation of the highly anticipated Sentinel softwareupgrade which is a stepping stone towards an industry-first decentralizedpayments system called Evolution.
Taylor said, “The beauty of a blockchain-based project is decentralization, thedispersion and distribution of functions and powers. Since its inception, Dashhas been the benchmark of decentralized success; our unique governance modelensures an ownership mindset that is designed to improve the state andfunctionality of the Dash network and increase the network’s value. Togetherwith Evan, we built the world’s first self-sustainable decentralized autonomousorganization with a substantial organic budget, and there’s so much more tocome.”
Dash has a full pipeline of integrations in place and high-level businesspartnerships in progress. Now headquartered from Arizona State University’sSkySong Innovation Center, the Dash Core team recently announced its plan toadd over 20 new positions, including development, customer support,infrastructure support, marketing, and administration.