Slowing Down Interchange Pricing: Visa Delays Plans

Slowing Down Interchange Pricing: Visa Delays Plans

Slowing Down Interchange Pricing: Visa Delays Plans

Visa announced a delay in scheduled interchange price increases for specific merchant categories. The announcement indicates sensitivity to the upcoming winter holidays, downward retail sales pressure, and an unsteady economy. Bloomberg reports:

Merchants can avoid much of the upcoming increase by getting on board with tokenizing their transactions. Mercator Advisory Group has extensive coverage on tokenization at this link.

But, alas, the moratorium is not forever.

Bank issuers and payment acquirers have the infrastructure to process tokenized payments. This time, merchants must come on board if they seek to manage interchange expenses. Tokenizing transactions is an effective fraud management solution.

This delay is an excellent idea by Visa and a matter of choice for merchants.

Overview provided by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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