New GlobalPlatform guide enables consistent, secure and interoperablemobile ticketing service management while reducingsolution time to market
04 May 2017 – Industry associationGlobalPlatform has published a technical document which details the servicemanagement process to deliver transport ticketing securely on mobile devices.Designed in collaboration with the Smart Ticketing Alliance and the GSMA, the documentbrings the transport ticketing and mobile communities together to ensureinteroperable mobile ticketing is brought to market efficiently and securelyusing an agreed framework.
The document, entitled GlobalPlatform Systems End-to-End SimplifiedService Management Framework Transport v1.0.0,streamlines the management of contactless services by outlining howGlobalPlatform Specifications can be used to deliver transport ticketingservices on mobile devices.
“GlobalPlatform’s Specifications providethe architecture to effectively deliver innovative and convenient mobileticketing services, without compromising security or privacy,” explains MikeEastham, Chief Advisor – Technology at ITSO Limited and GlobalPlatform PublicTransportation Sub Task Force Chair. “This new document is a turning point formobile ticketing services, bringing a clear and simple guide on how existingstandards can be applied. Using this consistent template, the transportcommunity can speed up the deployment of mobile ticketing solutions, optimizeexisting smart card acceptance infrastructures and ensure interoperabilitybetween different transport operators.”
The document will be used by publictransport operators and system integrators to build the required ecosystem withmobile network operators, secure element vendors and mobile devicemanufacturers.
John Verity, SmartTicketing Alliance Chairman, adds: “This technical framework allows publictransport operators to deliver mobile ticketing with the same levels ofsecurity as their smart card schemes. The recommended standards emulate a smartcard within a mobile device using a secure element that can communicate withNFC-enabled ticketing machines. Prior to this framework, fragmentation waswidespread; different implementation and management models were created fordifferent devices by different operators in different cities and regions. Thislevel of industry collaboration between the transport ticketing market, theGSMA and GlobalPlatform, streamlines the deployment process and improvesinteroperability by outlining a basic infrastructure model that is proven andready to implement.”
This is the secondframework to be released by GlobalPlatform. The first, which focusedon payments, was released in 2014. Both ‘end-to-end’ frameworks act as anentry point to GlobalPlatform for new players. Each actor selects the relevantend-to-end framework by answering a simple set of questions. The configurationselector will filter out the options enabling each actor to determine how toimplement its own components for a particular deployment.
The ‘GlobalPlatform SystemsEnd-to-End Simplified Service Management Framework Transport v1.0.0’ isavailable free to GlobalPlatform Members and can be downloaded from the GlobalPlatformstore by non-members.